This qualification describes the skills and knowledge for general job roles in rural and regional Australia, and supporting job roles in agriculture including livestock production, cropping or in the case of mixed farming workplaces, both cropping and livestock. Job roles vary across different industry sectors and may include:
- Assistant animal attendant/stockperson
- Assistant farm or station hand/worker/labourer
- Assistant farm fencing contractor
- Farm machinery worker
- Jillaroo/Jackaroo
- Saleyard livestock worker.
Depending on the units selected individuals can be employed not only in agriculture but also other rural and regional sectors.
Individuals with this qualification carry out routine tasks under supervision where the work is predictable and structured with limited judgement requirements.
The qualification is suited to VET programs delivered to secondary school students or learners with no previous connection the agriculture industry or relevant employment history. No student contribution fees are applicable to this course for VETis funding.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.
Entry Requirements
There are no entry requirements for this qualification.
Core Units
AHCWHS202 - Participate in workplace health and safety processes
AHCWRK211 - Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
AHCWRK212 - Work effectively in industry
AHCWRK213 - Participate in workplace communications
Elective Units
Group A
AHCBAC205 - Assist agricultural crop establishment
AHCBAC206 - Assist agricultural crop maintenance
AHCBAC207 - Assist agricultural crop harvesting
AHCBIO203 - Inspect and clean machinery, tools and equipment to preserve biosecurity
AHCBIO204 - Follow site biosecurity procedures
AHCCHM201 - Apply chemicals under supervision
AHCCOM204 - Assess and receive raw materials for composting
AHCCOM205 - Recognise and respond to fire emergencies on a composting site
AHCCOM206 - Recognise raw materials, production process and products on a composting site
AHCINF205 - Carry out basic electric fencing operations
AHCINF206 - Install, maintain and repair farm fencing
AHCINF207 - Maintain properties and structures
AHCINF208 - Fabricate and repair metal or plastic structures
AHCIRG220 - Assist with surface irrigation operations
AHCIRG221 - Assist with pressurised irrigation operations
AHCLSK202 - Care for health and welfare of livestock
AHCLSK204 - Carry out regular livestock observation
AHCLSK205 - Handle livestock using basic techniques
AHCLSK206 - Identify and mark livestock
AHCLSK207 - Load and unload livestock
AHCLSK209 - Monitor water supplies
AHCLSK210 - Muster and move livestock
AHCLSK211 - Provide feed for livestock
AHCLSK219 - Carry out birthing duties
AHCLSK220 - Monitor livestock to parturition
AHCMOM201 - Operate two wheel motorbikes
AHCMOM202 - Operate tractors
AHCMOM203 - Operate basic machinery and equipment
AHCMOM204 - Undertake operational maintenance of machinery
AHCMOM205 - Operate vehicles
AHCMOM207 - Conduct front-end loader operations
AHCMOM216 - Operate side by side utility vehicles
AHCMOM217 - Operate quad bikes
AHCPER216 - Harvest, treat and store seed
AHCPER222 - Use and maintain basic hand tools and equipment for garden and farm
AHCPER225 - Assist with garden soil health and plant nutrition
AHCPMG201 - Treat weeds
AHCPMG202 - Treat plant pests, diseases and disorders
AHCSDT309 - Prepare a working sample
AHCSDT310 - Identify seeds
AHCSOL203 - Assist with soil or growing media sampling and testing
AHCWRK210 - Observe and report on weather
AHCWRK214 - Observe workplace quality assurance procedures
AHCWRK215 - Collect and record production data
FBPFSY2002 - Apply food safety procedures
RIISAM203E - Use hand and power tools
TLIB0012 - Maintain and use hand tools
TLID0020 - Shift materials safely using manual handling methods
Group B
A hash (#) next to the unit code indicates mandatory workplace requirements which must be met when assessing this unit. Please refer to the individual unit’s Assessment Requirements for details.
ACMEQU212 - Handle horses safely
ACMEQU214 - Prepare to work safely around horses
ACMEQU217* - Load and unload horses
ACMEQU218* - Perform horse riding skills at walk, trot and canter
AHCAIS202 - Assist with artificial insemination procedures
AHCBAC208 - Prepare grain storages
AHCDRG202 - Maintain drainage systems
AHCDRY202 - Milk livestock
AHCIRG219 - Assist with low volume irrigation operations
AHCLSK201 - Assist with feeding in a production system
AHCLSK213 - Clean out production sheds
AHCLSK218* - Ride educated horses to carry out basic stock work
AHCLSK316 - Prepare livestock for competition
AHCMOM206 - Conduct grader operations
AHCMOM208 - Conduct excavator operations
AHCMOM209 - Conduct dozer operations
AHCMOM210 - Conduct scraper operations
AHCMOM213 - Operate and maintain chainsaws
AHCMOM214 - Operate cane haulage vehicle
AHCMOM215 - Operate commercial lawnmowers
AHCPCM204 - Recognise plants
AHCPHT214 - Support horticultural crop harvesting
AHCPHT215 - Plant horticultural crops
AHCPHT216 - Carry out canopy maintenance
AHCPHT218 - Carry out post-harvest operations
AHCPLY208 - Collect and pack eggs for human consumption
AHCPLY209 - Grade and pack eggs for human consumption
AHCPLY211 - Collect, store and handle eggs from breeder flocks
AHCPLY303 - Maintain health and welfare of poultry
AHCPLY308 - Set up sheds for placement of poultry
AHCPMG309 - Apply pest animal control techniques
AHCPRK202# - Move and handle pigs
AHCWOL201 - Pen sheep
AHCWOL202 - Perform board duties
AHCWOL203 - Carry out wool pressing
RIIWHS202E - Enter and work in confined spaces
RIIWHS204E - Work safely at heights
Group C Prerequisite units
ACMEQU202* - Handle horses safely
ACMEQU205 - Apply knowledge of horse behaviour
ACMEQU206* - Perform horse riding skills at walk, trot and canter
An asterisk (*) next to the unit code indicates that there are prerequisite requirements which must be met.